Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ode to Louisiana Roads

LA roads if you were on fire and I couldn't find a restroom, I would piss myself before I would help you put that fire out. LA roads, if you were my long lost brother I would spit in your eye before I would kiss your cheek. LA roads, if you were the last woman on earth, and I was the last man, I wouldn't give the human race a snowballs chance in hell.

That being said, I have to quote Mistah Paul in Washington LA, "We got worse roads but better drivers."

You know what, he's right.


Bill said...

Too funny. Karen kept reading this over, laughing each time.

RatnSpiker2dancingguineapigs said...

Aha! I finally made some time figure out facebook and google so that I could leave my own comments for you.

I'm so proud of you boy, and what a grand writer you are. I keep reading this one entry . . . and it makes me LOL EVERY time!

Love ya, Karen

Lady of the Woods said...

I felt the same way about those roads when I drove across LA in '92 only I failed to express it near as colorfully & convincingly as you.